Your Darkest Night

It was black and endless and lined with teeth all over.
Descending like a wet blanket,
every breath you drew was a shudder.

*On a separate note, I’d like to reiterate just how much I dislike textual misunderstandings. Yesterday was the first time I got true hate comments on my blog. What I thought was carefree banter somehow caused the other person to devolve into calling me something vulgar and tell me to burn in hell. The fact that I don’t entertain phone calls from married men may have factored into this whole debacle. Why are we always so apt to screw things up so royally? It’s one thing we can always depend on to do spectacularly.

Author: ebonyandcrows

Hello and welcome to my page~ My name is Larisa--a very common Slavic name that was either derived from the Latin word hilaris, meaning "cheerful," or from the Greek city of Larissa, meaning "strong fortress." Born in Ukraine, I emigrated with my family to America when I was still a small child and now make my home in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Growing up immersed in two vastly differing cultures led me to have a burning curiosity about people all over the world. Stemming from said curiosity, I have fallen in love with traveling to other countries, meeting new people and delving into their culture, exploring new cities, and of course, dining on the local cuisine! If I cannot escape into a different country, then my next favorite method of adventure is to lose myself in a spectacular book. I enjoy books of all genres--from fiction and novels, to biographies and ethnographies. As long as it captures my fancy and holds me spellbound the entire time, I will burn through the book like a forest fire! Because of this penchant for reading and travel, coupled with my love of deep and mysterious things, I have been often called a dreamer and I find the title suits me. With that being said, I invite you to stay a while, perhaps make yourself a cup of tea and linger through my posts and feel free to comment or share a thought :-)

87 thoughts on “Your Darkest Night”

  1. Ohhh dear, I’m so sorry to hear about this…the Internet can be treacherous country. Sending love your way–God soothe you with His balm, and bless you abundantly during this holiday season. YOU ARE LOVED ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Avia for always being so supportive ♥️ Some people are just obsessive and the internet provides an illusion of being able to say whatever you want without repercussions. Hope you have a warm and love-filled Thanksgiving!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Freedom of speech is a double-edged sword. God pays attention to people’s words, He says we’ll all be accountable to Him for what we say. So I try my best to LOVE with mine ❤ I hope you have a much-blessed Thanksgiving–if you're up in my neighborhood, you're welcome to my table–I wrestled my turkey into submission, and now he's in the oven…I figured if I'm gonna be up, he may as well be baking. Less work tomorrow, maybe 🙂 Much LOVE to you ❤ ❤ ❤ If you take my invitation seriously, I'll give you my address 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

          1. I hope yours was marvelous–glad you could be with family ❤ My turkey was less than spectacular–so I made a HUGE pot of turkey rice soup…and there's plenty meat left for casseroles, etc etc 🙂 Blessings to you Always!!! ❤

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  2. What I want to know is how fucking DARE someone do that to you. Sorry, for the f-bomb but this just brings out the protective instinct in me!!! Your poem…. “every breath you drew makes me shudder”…. and “descending like a wet blanket” – that imagery had me shuddering from your talent with words, but the rest has me seething.

    I’m sorry there are people who think it’s okay to behave like ignorant a-holes. And I’m so glad you’ve made this post to call them out on it. I got your back, for what that’s worth.

    I hope you’re ok hon, big hugs xoxox

    Liked by 3 people

    1. ♥️ I appreciate it more than you can ever know! I didn’t expect that turn of events but it’s almost funny in a way that a conversation talking about mutual interests could flip on its head so swiftly and without warning. There are all kinds of people with unfettered access to the internet. I think this is why I am wary of online dating.

      Bear hugs back to you xoxox

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I know it happens but yet I feel shocked every time that it does. People seem to feel more comfortable to act in abhorrent ways when there’s a screen in front of them.

        Your poem that preceded this was incredible, I would not want that to be lost! ❤️

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      1. Ms. Ebony, on books, I am a life-time reader, 5,000+ books, tens of thousands of magazine articles, My two favorite books are; The River Why? by David James Duncan, the funnest Love Story I ever read, I have bought over 40 copies of this book to gift to people, it is best read aloud with a friend or lover, I am on the “Last Page”, Also “The Experience, A Celebration Of Being” by Sirio Esteve, Random House 1974, Available on “Abe’s Books” Good Reading, let me know if you like them!

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Well Ebony, I still prefer to turn pages manually, because what happens when the power goes out for a week, as it did here in Alaska, or batteries become unavailable? I have over 5,000 books in my house as well as many dictionaries, my best one is my Random House Dictionary of the English Language, with a back section of four languages, which helped me solve many Friday/Saturday New York Times crossword puzzles, those puzzles keep my mind & memory banks functioning…..It always amazes me how much memory we have available in our brains…..

            Liked by 1 person

            1. That’s awesome! I am always so pleasantly surprised and respect people who like to read. It’s seriously one of the best things we can do for our minds—along with the crossword puzzles, of course.


    1. Rob I miss seeing your notifications pop up in my little bell tab! You would definitely know about disturbing messages—I am sorry you had to go through some weird ordeals too. Did you ever find some Beecher’s Flagship cheese?

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      1. It’s awful that people feel the need to harass others here. What right do they have? I can’t stand them. And yes, I did! I am picking up some on Friday. I would do it today, but it’s a nightmare shopping right now. Sorry about those notifications Larisa. I wish I knew another way to get around it.

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          1. The funny thing, is that it has been in a store that I drive by when I work. So there’s Whole Foods and Roche brothers that both sell it hear. I’m looking forward to trying it. I got a bottle of Ravenswood Belloni Vineyards red zinfandel to pair it with.

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            1. Omg I hope you’ll end up liking it! I’m afraid all this talk of that cheese may have hyped it out of proportion 🙈 I’ve had experiences ruined because the anticipation for it was greater than the actual experience itself.

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    1. That’s so awful, Priscilla. I don’t understand why people go on a rampage instead of first simply asking what you meant by your reply. I know that I am capable of failing spectacularly so I give people as much grace as I can. But no one deserves to be treated like that.

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  3. Just remember, Ebony, that Petty Minds, come from Petty People; I just turn my back on them and continue on my way; water off the duck’s back…..Politeness & Respect are my only rules on here…..Do not get discouraged by a few Bad Apples……

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I just lost my Lady Love & Best Friend of 35 years, I started to starve myself to death, yet my neighbors, and fellow bloggers convinced me that I had to live to Honor that fine Lady, and they saved me from doing a Stupid thing to myself, so here I still am……


  4. There’s always someone around to try and bring you down. The Interwebs just happens to be an easy place for people to exhibit the worst of humanity. You’re above it. When people try and bring you down it’s because you’re up. Stay up, soaring in ebony.

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  5. It is said: one should take “hate” as merely a jealous complement but in my mind, it unsoundly gives violence credence to be violent by any fashion it choses.
    In all I know of you, this was unwarranted to say the least, my friend. It is good to read you’re handling it all in a mature way that most adults do. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ever so kindly, Poet. I honestly think I may have hurt this persons ego and they lashed out in response. Also, I do agree with what you said. People are always capable of disappointing, myself included. So I have no choice but to extend grace, Poet.

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  6. People should know better than piss off a writer, especially one as talented as you! I know you’ve turned a cheek and put him behind you, but if you’re ever in need, I know some some people… Now, I’m on a quest for some awesome Beechers Flagship cheese!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol Tim, that’s so sweet of you and humorous at the same time.

      You should try the cheese though. I brought some with me for my family to try and they loved it. Even the four year old gave it her stamp of approval.

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      1. Glad to see you back Larisa, I hope the break was healing. Been on a little hiatus myself, either you’ve got it or you don’t sometimes. Haven’t found a block of Beecher’s yet, still searching. Three cheers to good friends, good words and good cheese! 🙂

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        1. Glad to be back in touch with you, Tim! Do you have a Safeway in your corner of the world? My sister informed me they sell that cheese there. I usually do my grocery shopping at Fred Meyer. Also, I raise my glass to your toast 😉


  7. I’m disappointed to hear this occurred to you – your work is honest and biting, giving a genuine appeal to your ideals. People can easily hide behind a monitor and be self-righteous and just plain awful. Delete and spam and block such travesty.

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      1. There are two types of men here to marry; the ones who cheat on you and want to control you and the other ones who just need a mommy so you can take care of them while they cheat on you… PASS (but also you don’t have to take my word for it, just look at the divorce rate in America)… but yeah, I have alot of love to give. Always wanted a partner in life. But there are literally zero decent men in generica…

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        1. My heart goes out to you, it sounds like you are speaking from experience and that is a tragedy. I am so sorry that the men you have known have abused you in some shape or form..that is no way to learn about what love is supposed to be. I have known some amazing men in my life and I look up to them to this day. Please keep the faith that there are some true gems out there in the world, and I will also do the same.


          1. I’ve never been married or divorced myself but my mom has been married and divorced three times already as a lot of my family members who have been married and divorced several times so I definitely come from a broken home and family. There are some good men but they’re in the minority. The meetoo movement exist because women get treated like sex objects or trophy wives for the most part. I’ve been taught love by being taught what love is not. It would be nice just once in my life to feel loved in return. But love is rare.

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    1. Thank you Simon. I have been quite absent from my blog and all things associated with it. I am working on making my way back into the blogosphere, so I hope to be more present very soon 🙂


  8. My dear, if you refuse to write something new, I will have to read something old.

    Your little write was powerful and beautiful.

    The hate you received so unnecessary. I just got some this weekend. Stupid people.
    Try to not let these idiots bother you. You are a talented writer and people are envious.

    Hope you are well my friend.
    Keep yourself and everyone in your heart safe from harm.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha what a lovely comment to make my morning! You made me laugh with your opening line. Thank you for the encouragement, it inspires me to write again. I’ve been meeting deadlines in the office and also moving out of my current place, so life has been pretty hectic around here! But soon, I want to start being more creative again.

      Thank you for your concern and well wishes, they are so appreciated. It is just awful to run into negativity on here, I don’t understand why people do it? I am sorry to hear you ran into unpleasantness on your blog like that—here is sending you hugs and positive energy to help counterbalance that 💕 xoxo

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      1. Work and life do come before blogging and creative write, I do understand that. I was only teasing you my friend. Last year I moved from New York City to Orlando, Florida, so I know how hectic and crazy moving can be,

        Go take care of the thing you need to take care of. Best of luck with everything, Hope it all works out as you hope.

        Your positive vibes more than counteract, they erase the negative vibes of others.

        Please take good care of yourself.
        Won’t bother you again, will wait for your next inspiration. 🌹xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are never a bother! Please feel free to comment as you please around here, I encourage it because I enjoy visits from my friends on here. You are welcome in my humble abode on this little corner of the internet whenever you wish.

          Moving…such a headache. As much as I love to travel, it’s the packing that always has me groaning a little, and packing up a whole house is even more magnified. But I am almost done so definitely seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

          I am pleased to hear that the positive energy I sent erased the lingering effects of the negativity you encountered. In fact, I am downright flattered. Thank you 🌷

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